Passion for Vintage Fashion in Todays World

It all started at 5 years old that there was a time like the 1950's that everything was colorful and interesting. With the examples of the show Happy Day's that was running in the 1970's and the 1980's. I watched this show as a kid in the 1980's and was fascinated with the clothes in the show. That was the first time that I saw poodle skirts and saddle shoes. I knew even at 5 that there was something neat and exciting about that time and it has stuck with me throughout the years.

At 8 years old I saw the movie Back to the Future Part 1 1985 and Peggy Sue Got Married 1986. These two movies peaked my curiosity of the 1950's, I knew then as I know now the 1950's was one of the best eras of all time. These examples are what inspired me to never forget what it was like in the olden days. That is what motivated me to wear and open this Shop Reminiscing Vintage. With the help of word of mouth that there is a place like Etsy where you can make your passion come alive by sharing your passion with others who share the same interests.

My goals is to be a great example to women and people how to dress in Vintage Fashion in todays society by incorporating outfits and household items from another time where there was true class and style.

Vintage articles such as clothing, household items and vintage items alike are an investment for the future of people who have a the understanding of what it is to look good by reusing, reducing and recycling items once loved and loved again.

The way women and men dressed from 1936 to 1956 was the best fashion of all time.

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